Our Leaders


Members: Mary Rawley, Ethel Shelton, and Wendy Cummings

Children Ministry 

Chair: Jennifer Boston

Church Historian

Coordinator: Ellen Aubee

Church School Superintendent 

Coordinator: Vacant

Church Rentals

Co-Chairs: Ethel Shelton and Sue Bryant


Chair: Dion Hamilton

Vice Chair: Vacant

Recording Secretary: Dale Williams

Certified Lay Servant

Christine Taylor

Lay Leader

Ellen Aubee

Lay Member to Annual Conference

Audrey Alleyne


Chair: Sandra Davis

Finance Committee

Chair: Audrey Alleyne

Vice-chair: Vacant

Suzanne Mitchell

Treasurer: Thomas Jones, III

Additional members of the Finance Committee 

Patience Oliver-Jobe, Jennifer Scotland, Clarence Snuggs, Jr., Ross Washington III, and
Dale Williams

Global Missions

Chair: Patience Oliver-Jobe

Vice-chair: Ellen Aubee

Membership Care

Coordinators: Patience Oliver-Jobe, Mary Rawley,  Sandra Davis, and Geraldine Carter


Chair: Carver Bryant

Vice Chair: Sue Bryant

New Member Class                                       

Coordinator: Maurice Jagne-Shaw

Nominations and Leadership Development

Chair: Pastor Gerald Elston, Sr.

Vice Chairperson: Vacant                                         

Members: Bernice Bennett, Arletta Boston, Larry Williams, and Maurice Jagne-Shaw

Nurture Ministry

Chair: Jennifer Boston

Outreach Ministry

Co-Chairs: Ellen Aubee and Donna Small

Senior Adult Ministry

Coordinators: Arletta Boston and Glayds Davis

Small Group Ministry

Chair: Arletta Boston 

Staff Parish Relations Committee 

Chair: Ellen Aubee

Chairperson and Lay Leader Ellen Aubee
Lay Member to Annual Conference Audrey Alleyne

Members: Delores Martin, Ira Tigner, and Marissa Washington


Chair: Vacant


Chair: Carver Bryant

Vice Chair: David Marston

Members: Wendy Cumming, Olabisi Daramy, James McKenzie, and Bridget Ware

Witness Ministry

Chair: Olabisi Daramy


Chair: Cherry Ann Tang-Nian

Young Adults Ministry

Chair: Vacant

Youth Ministry

Chair: IraTiger

United Methodist Women President

President: Delores Martin

Vice-president: Gladys Davis

United Methodist Men President

President: Dion Hamilton

Vice President: Michael Scott

Ushers and Greeters  

Coordinator: Geraldine Mayo Stevens